Get Ready for Seattle’s Next Snow Storm

Freeze! We’ve got you covered – with a list of winter essentials

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Being snowbound isn’t a terrible thing if you’re totally prepared. Whether you’re staying bundled up indoors or if you’re planning to venture out into the elements, Bartell’s is your headquarters for essential items to help you survive any Seattle Snowmageddon. With 66 full service neighborhood locations, Bartell’s has what you, your family and friends need to stay connected, fed, warm and protected.

Here’s a great list to follow as you stock up before the weather hits!

For when the wind is whipping and the frost starts to form on the windows

This is the perfect opportunity to cozy up in your plush robe, slippers and a blanket. Make yourself a nice and hot pot of coffee or cocoa – and for the 21+ crowd, don’t forget to add a little Baileys!

And in case your puppy prefers not to venture outdoors either, grab some puppy pads so that when “nature calls” you’ll be ready to answer.

For when the cold takes a toll on you

As you snuggle up with a mug full of perfection, cozy up to a warm fire with the help of our fire logs. Afterwards, consider plunging into a nice warm bath complete with bubbles or a bath fizzie.

For when you get thirsty or hungry

Comfort foods are where it’s at while you’re hunkered down with nowhere to go. Soup is a go-to snow day meal. Or if you’re thirsty and looking for something sweet, try some hot cocoa, warm cider or tea.

For when the sun sets and it’s time to wind down

There’s nothing that’ll help you relax better than a nice glass of red wine. Pair that with some chocolate and take a moment to enjoy the beauty of the soft, delicate snowfall.

For when the lights go out

Don’t be the thing that goes bump in the night. Batteries and flashlights are always a good idea. Also, keeping a battery pack charged will come in handy if your phone starts to die.

Having a few scented candles can enhance the already calm and indulgent mood. Be sure to have a couple extra blankets to share in case it gets chilly.

For when you absolutely must go back outside

Aside from your coat, boots, hat, mittens and scarves, there are a few things you’ll need once you decide to brave the elements. For the car, it’s best to be prepared with a first aid kit, emergency blanket, ice scraper and a can of de-icer.

Keep a pack of HandWarmers close by. You may encounter someone battling the outdoor elements and it’s always nice to share the warmth.

Most of these items can be found at your neighborhood Bartell Drugs. Stock up today before the first snowflake falls.

For many, Bartell’s is within walking distance and can be a resource during the storm. Visit to find a store near you.